// vmstart.js release 0.13 date October 25, 2002 // Distributed with altosax filter set: // http://virgolamobile.50megs.com/proxomitron.html // Mailto: virgolamobile@hotmail.com // Faked functions to block built-in functions and methods function FakedOne() { return true; } function FakedTwo(txt) { return true; } // Clear statusbar from js writers/scrollers var status; var defaultStatus; // Suppress all JavaScript errors onerror=FakedOne; // Kill alert/confirm boxes window.alert=FakedTwo; window.confirm=FakedTwo; window.prompt=FakedTwo; // Kill tiresome functions function submit() { return true; } function geovisit() { return true; } // Stop browser window resizing function moveTo() { return true; } function moveBy() { return true; } function resizeTo() { return true; } function resizeBy() { return true; } function scrollTo() { return true; } function scrollBy() { return true; } window.blur=FakedOne; window.focus=FakedOne; // Smart pop-up windows killer PrxRealOpen=window.open; PrxLC=new Date(0); function PrxOMUp(){PrxLC=new Date();} function PrxNW(){this.window;} function PrxOpen(url,nam,atr) { var cdt=new Date(); cdt.setTime(cdt.getTime()-PrxLC.getTime()); if(cdt.getSeconds()<2) { return(PrxRealOpen(url,nam,PrxWOA(atr))); } return(new PrxNW()); } function PrxWOA(atr) { var xatr="menubar=yes,location=yes,status=yes,resizable=yes,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes"; var hm; hm=atr.match(/height\=[0-9]+/i); if(hm) xatr+="," + hm; hm=atr.match(/width\=[0-9]+/i); if(hm) xatr+="," + hm; return(xatr); } window.open=PrxOpen;